Why do we get Whiteheads? What are the treatments available for dealing with Whiteheads?

Whiteheads develop when dead skin cells, oil and dirt clog your skin pores. Whiteheads are follicles that are filled with an oxidized mix of oil and dead skin cells, but they have only a microscopic opening to the skin surface.  As they are closed within the pores, air cannot reach the follicle, the mixture is not oxidized and it remains white. White heads appear most frequently on the face, neck and back. Some people are more genetically likely to develop whiteheads.


Things to avoid:

·         Squeezing, steaming or scrubbing the whiteheads can make them worse

·   Avoid oil based skin care products, skin products that contain alcohol, humid environment and tight clothes

·         Avoid using hydrogen peroxide based creams

·         Avoid products with heavy duty ingredients

·         Avoid sleeping with makeup. Wash off your makeup before going to bed.

·         Avoid stress, as stress can trigger sebum production

·         Avoid over cleansing, as it can dry up your skin

Things to do:

·    Exfoliate the skin regularly by doing so you can keep the whiteheads in check, as scrubbing would  remove the dead skin cells that could clog pores

·         Keep skin hydrated with oil free moisturizer

·       Use gentle cleansers

·    Can use medicines which can reduce the oil production and prevent the blocking of skin pores.

·         Use oil free creams and makeup products

·        Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 1 tablespoon of water and gently rub on the areas where there are whiteheads for at least 2-3 times a week.

·    Wash your face twice a day i.e. when you wake up in the morning and before going to bed in the night to remove oil buildup

·         Having good, healthy skin will help you minimize whiteheads

·        Can also use pore strips. It is generally advised that if you have a sensitive skin then you should not go for pore strips

·      Use masks made of papaya, charcoal, etc once in a week, to wash away the surface skin cells. You can also use clay masks.

·         Chemical peels can also help you combat with the problem

·         Tea tree oil can also be used to treat whiteheads effectively


Anoo's® offers treatments that will visibly diminish or remove these skin imperfections. The treatment procedures at Anoo's® are: Micro needling, Electrodessication, Electrocautery, and Deep Skin Therapy.




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