Why do we get Pimples? Are there any treatments for pimples?


Pimples develop wherever there are many oil glands. They occur when the skin pores are clogged, infected, swollen and lead to red lesion filled with pus. Never pick, pop or squeeze the pimples as it can cause more inflammation and possibly leave you with a scar.

Pimples mainly occur on the face, chest, upper back, shoulders and hips. The factors that cause pimples are heredity, food, dirt, stress, hormones, cosmetics, pressure, drugs and occupations.


Pimples often occur in adolescence, but they can affect people at any age. There are different types of pimples like blackheads, whiteheads, cysts, papules, nodules, etc. Although pimples are not a serious health condition, yet it can lead to scarring and disfigurement of the face.

Major causes for pimples are:

·         Food  choices

·         Fluctuations in hormone levels during puberty

·         Stress

·      Usage of scarf, hat, etc that can trap sweat & bacteria against your skin    and  can clog your skin pores

·         Unhealthy food habits

·         Excessive Smoking

  •     Not exercising regularly
  •      Less water intake

·         Sweaty environmental conditions

·         Using harsh soap

  •      Over sun exposure
  •      Not applying sunscreen lotion

·         Using greasy cosmetics 

  •      Not cleaning the skin properly

·   Regular Sunbaths can dry out your skin and triggering more oil      production, which can lead to more pimples

  •    Eating excess oily, spicy and junk food

·         Certain medical conditions can also increase the chance of pimples

·         Higher testosterone levels

·         Use of oily skin products 

·         Avoid scrubbing your skin harshly

·       If your oil hair touches your face, the oil can block your skin pores and            irritate your skin.

·         Consumption of dairy products and foods high in processed sugar

·         Usage of Heavy moisturizing agents

       ·         If your hair gels, hairspray and other hair care products come in contact                   with your skin they can clog the skin pores 

Treatments for pimples at Anoo’s:

·         Intense Pulsed Light Acne Therapy

·         Fruit Acid Peels

·         Organic Peels

·         Advanced Spa Acne Programs

·         Organic Treatments

The dermatologists at Anoo’s would carefully access your skin and severity of the pimples to determine the most appropriate treatment for you.


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